Package-level declarations


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Mobile implementation of the Behavior listener (id: enrichprofilebyvisitorbehavior)

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Mobile implementation of the Interest Ranking listener (id: engagement_interest_ranking)

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Mobile implementation of the Scoring listener (id: engagement_score)

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class EngagementService(blueConicClient: BlueConicClient, context: BlueConicClient.InteractionContext, propertyId: String, isInterest: Boolean, allInterests: List<String> = mutableListOf(), useHalfTime: Boolean) : EventServiceBase

Service for the Scoring listener (id: engagement_score) and Interest Ranking listener (id: engagement_interest_ranking)

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Service for the Behavior listener (id: enrichprofilebyvisitorbehavior)

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Base class for rule base events services.

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Mobile implementation of the Rule Based Form listener (id: enrichprofilewithvisitorinput)

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Service for the Rule Based Form listener (id: enrichprofilewithvisitorinput)

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Fullscreen lightbox implementation

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Global listener plugin.

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Listener for preferred hour of the day

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Toaster implementation